[桌遊介紹] 亞當也瘋狂
2-7 Players | 20 Mins | Age 6+ | Poki | POKI DESIGN 簡介 亞當被上帝創造出來後的第一項工作就是「為動物命名」,玩家穿越時空跑來亂亞當,幫亞當亂改動物的名字。過程中除了要小心亞當來抓包外,還有夏娃和蛇來擾亂,誰能保持冷靜正確叫出每種動物的名字呢? At the dawn of creation, Adam's first calling is to name all the animals. As mischievous angels, help Adam come up with some better names for these lovely creatures. But an angel’s job is never easy. Watch out for Eve and the treacherous snake, do your best to remember what you’ve called God’s creations and most of all DON’T let Adam hear you using those silly names! 遊戲目的 遊戲中玩家幫動物取名,並記住動物的名字,挑戰大家的記憶和反應能力,最終獲得最多張動物牌的玩家獲勝。 Players name different creatures and try to remember their names in the right circumstances. The player with the best combination of memory and reaction speed wins an animal card. Whoever has the most animal cards at the end wins the game! 測試年會 2018 測試年會 2018 測試年會 2018 測試年會 2018 玩家精彩的塗鴉