[遊戲介紹] 彩色烏托邦 Colortopia

2-5 Players | 20 Mins | Age 6+  | Poki | POKI DESIGN

歡迎來到彩色烏托邦,擁有繽紛的色彩是這個國度裡最快樂的事了!這裡的人民喜歡用各種顏色妝點生活也裝扮自己。眼看一年一度的彩色祭又要到啦!其中「色彩大賽」更是每年的一大盛事,大家都摩拳擦掌準備較勁一番,到底今年的「色彩大師」頭銜會是由誰奪得呢? 快來一同加入色彩的競賽吧! 

Welcome to the Colortopia, a realm of happiness filled with colors, where people like to put on all kinds of colors themselves and in their life too. It's time for the Color Festival to come around! The Color Contest is one of the biggest day of the year; everyone is ready for it. Let's see who will win the title of the Color Master? 


Colortopia is a real-time game of good sighting and some logical reasoning, where players rotate and flip their color cards to complete different color patterns based on color mixing and color contrast to earn the color chips. The color chips can even be mixed to become a new color and get you more points! Whoever has the most points at the end is crowned the Color Master and win the game! Let's get some colors mixed and flipped! 




BGG LINK:https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/225037/colortopia
凱特的貓 開箱與規則 介紹



[遊戲介紹] 大鍋炒 Wok on Fire

[推坑評比] 2014六月 推坑桌遊介紹