[遊戲介紹] 功夫刺蝟 Kung Fu Hedgehog

2-6 Players | 15 Mins | Age 6+  | Jed+Poki | POKI DESIGN

率領你的羊群勇往向前,小心潛伏在前方的是想偷吃羊的大野狼。狼來了怎麼辦,別怕!派出你的功夫刺蝟,讓野狼們落荒而逃吧! 悠哉放羊? 抵禦大野狼? 就各憑本事吧~願好運與智慧能助你安然度過危機。別忘記披著羊皮的狼在終點正等著大快朵頤!

Lead your sheep forward fearlessly, but beware of wolves ambushed ahead to snatch them in secret. What if wolves come? Don't panic, send kung fu hedgehog out and they will flee away.
Herd sheep with ease? Resist the wolves? Show your knack! May luck and wisdom with you to survive the crisis. Remember, the wolves in sheep's clothing are coveting after a buffet at the finish line!


Kung Fu Hedgehog is a risk assessment game which needs luck and simple strategies. Each player owns some sheep and takes turn to draw a card which is either a tranquil grassland or wolf attacks. Before drawing a card, players can decide to send out a sheep or a hedgehog. If the player sends sheep out and draw a card of grassland, then the sheep will give birth to her lambs. And if a player sends hedgehog out and draw a card of wolf attacks, then the player's sheep herds will be protected against the wolf.


During the game, if a player draws a card of wolf attacks, then he can get the wolf card as Kung Fu Hedgehog Card to influence the game in due course.

The game ends when one player loses all his sheep, and the player with the most sheep wins. Or, if the entire deck of cards has been exhausted, the player with the least sheep turns out to be the wolf in sheep's clothing and wins the game instead. 


BGG LINK:https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/197495/kung-fu-hedgehog
凱特的貓 開箱與規則 介紹



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[推坑評比] 2014六月 推坑桌遊介紹